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This is Catalog & Cocktails
Catalog and Cocktails #44: Why it’s time to mesh with your data architecture (Zhamak Dehghani)
Catalog & Cocktails: A layered approach to data meaning and measurement
Catalog and Cocktails #42 : Power to the data! (Guest: Semantic Arts' Dave McComb)
Catalog & Cocktails Podcast - Unlocking Pent Up Innovation Inside the Enterprise
Catalog & Cocktails: Everywhere you look, there it is; entity resolution.
Catalog & Cocktails #28: How Airbnb built its internal data catalog, DataPortal
Catalog & Cocktails: Where are the semantics in the data dictionary?
Catalog & Cocktails: Why are data transformations such a big deal?
Catalog & Cocktails #36: What is a Chief Data Officer? (Guest: Mohammed Aaser, McKinsey & Company)
Catalog & Cocktails #10: How to become an advocate for a data catalog and governance
Catalog & Cocktails: Where are the semantics in the data dictionary?